Monday, October 20, 2008

Eating out healthily

1. Learn to love salad.

2. Always ask for the dressing on the side.

3. It's okay to ask for them to remove or go light on items. For example: cheese, bacon.

4. Check out the menu for the restaurant online before you head out. That way, you have a game plan, you don't have to look at the menu and be tempted AND you won't feel pressured by other diners who want to order quickly.

If you just can't eat a salad...

5. Always ask if that bread/pasta/rice can come whole grain.

6. Most places will let you replace fries with another side like black beans or steamed veggies.

7. If you absolutely cannot resist a bread basket (like me) just ask them to not even bring it to your table- no time to test your self control!

8. Beware of the word "creamy". That usually means fat.

9. Don't be embarrassed to ask how something is cooked, if a lot of extra oil or butter is used. Even steamed veggies usually have butter on them!

10. Eat slowly, put your fork down, and if you're starting to get satisfied, pack up the rest of your meal! If you get hungry later, eat the rest of it, otherwise you'll have a great lunch for tomorrow!

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