Saturday, March 21, 2009

Raw food detox & Yogurt

My 24 hour water fast starts in one hour and I am, to say the least, nervous. I'm not one of those people, unlike some I know, who can eat one meal a day and be fine. Those that claim to forget to eat. No no, I am definitely not one of those. I wake up hungry. Hunger is the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.

So 24 hours of just water seems unthinkable. Of course, people all over the world do it, not out of choice but rather out of necessity all the time and so the fact that not eating for 24 hours is a choice I can make is quite a luxury. I'm thinking I'll probably feel very unwell at moments but after those hunger pangs pass you kind of forget about it... right? I'm going from 6pm-6pm! No food.

Why? Well... it's all to kick start a raw food detox that I will then be doing from Monday-Thursday. It's technically supposed to be a 7 day detox but I'm going home this weekend to Houston and I have a feeling that sustaining a raw food diet will be very highly unlikely, although I'll definitely do my best, just with no guarantees. I'm thinking I can eat mostly fruits, vegetables, salads, maybe yogurt? And definitely still no meat (it's been 6 days!).

So apparently this water detox can make you feel very clean and can give your digestive system a relief. I've already stopped eating meat since Monday and have desperately tried to cut back on bread, although it's been difficult. I've also cut back on caffeine.

Why am I doing this? Well... it all started when I wanted to see if I could not eat meat for a week. And then I found this raw food detox online and thought, hmm, that sounds interesting, how bad could a detox be for my body? Sounds like a good idea. I mean, as all raw foodists argue, we are the only animals in the world who eat cooked food. All other animals eat raw seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Makes sense, right? So I guess I can give it a try!

Now, I could never go 100% raw, I would never want to, for many many reasons. Firstly, it'd be too difficult to go out with friends and eat out. I'd miss out on things like bread and cheese and chocolate and pizza and burgers (not that I eat that very often, but when I want it, I want it). Some things are just too good to not eat. But I think that eating raw makes a lot of sense so I really think that I could incorporate more raw fruits and vegetables in to my diet. And I could definitely stay away from meat from here on out, especially chicken, for health and humanitarian reasons.

Okay, okay - I'm getting ahead of myself! First things first - 24 hours of no eating, only water. Let's see how it goes...

As a side note, I just wanted to review two types of yogurt that I've tried recently (another reason I could never go raw!):

-Cultural revolution, vanilla: This yogurt is interesting. As it says on it's packaging it has a cream top. I bought the 2% vanilla flavor. It is lower in sugar than most regular yogurt which I really like, that's the primary reason I bought it. When you open it and stir it together it is not very thick and it is lumpy, like traditional yogurt is. This texture might bother some people but it didn't bother me. The sweetness was pleasant, not too overbearing but not as subtle as in the Siggi's. I liked it a lot, I like being able to eat vanilla yogurt for less sugar than plain yogurt from other brands!
-Siggi's Icelandic style Skyr, pomegranate and passion fruit: Because it's strained it's extremely thick even thought it's non-fat and also very high in protein, 16g in 6 oz.! It's sweetened with agave nectar but is very delicately flavored, not extremely sweet like most yogurts on the market. The predominant flavor is the tangy natural flavor of yogurt with a delicate, faint flavor of sweetness and fruit. It's delicious! 100% natural. Made from cows allowed to roam free and eat grass, not treated with rBGH! It's expensive but worth it. With 120 calories and 11g of sugar per 6 ounces, it's a treat! Thick, creamy, non-fat, high protein, all natural. I can't wait to try the orange and ginger flavor, I hear it's the best!

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